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Brainstorming a Good Business Name

Updated: Apr 26, 2019

Have you started searching for business names and it seems like every name you thought of is taken? This is a very tricky part of the business that shouldn't be rushed. There are several things to take into consideration before making your final decision on a name. 

Check out a few of our tips for finding a unique business name. Cross your t's and dot your i's prior to making your final decision on purchasing a domain.

The Brainstorm

  • Acronyms (First letter of each word in your business)

  • Foreign Words (latin, swahili)

  • Use your own name (usually for service based or designers)

  • Don't be a copycat

  • Play around with phrases

  • Remove or add and an extra letter (usually a vowel like "Tumblr", "Flickr"

  • Thesaurus 

  • Business Name Generator

Important Tip:

If you set up a corporation or LLC, you may be required to place a business name identifier such as “corp.,” “inc.” or “LLC” after your name. Your state may also have a list of names that you’re not allowed to use. For example, you’re not ordinarily allowed to use the word “bank” unless you’re a financial institution. - Legal Zoom

Once you have thought of a bunch of different words, use to enter the keywords you come up with and the generator will spit out a combination of a potential domain in any random order with the words you used. This tool is so cool!

Now ask yourself: 

Is it too many words? Will customers know what services I'm offering or selling?Am I happy with the name? (You will have to live with it a long time)Does it make sense?Is the name too specific and will limit my business?Does the name sound good over the phone?

Search for Domain Availablity

Once you settle on a few different names, test out your intended domain in our search below. 

Once you find a suitable domain, time to test it out in search engines and social media platforms.

Search the web as if you were a visitor looking for your domain. See how many businesses have a similar business name to yours and what competition, if any, pops up. This will let you know if you should adjust your name or not. Next, you will want to secure a social media account almost immediately after purchasing your domain. They go quick! You will be surprised how many pages are taken and have only 1 post or less.

We recommend you check the big three: 

The point is to match your social media handles to your business name exactly if possible. However, Twitter has been known to be the exception due to its limited character space for names.


If you are interested in trademarking your business ->

Once you have chosen your business name, you have officially made a significant step towards launching your new business venture and branding your business.

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